Fossar by Magnus Thordarson

Running water in photography combines technique and aesthetic. Waterfalls are particularly fun to play with.

The waterfalls in Yosemite keep calling me back because of their ever changing seasonal beauty.

The abundant water in Iceland is an endless opportunity for photographers.

The New Year Exhibition by Magnus Thordarson

Icelanders celebrate the new year with fireworks and thank yous for the bygone years.  Takk fyrir þau gömlu.

My annual New Year Exhibition is a collection of old and recent photographs from Iceland, Hawaii, and California.  I also include a photograph I took from the air over the Greenland glacier that shows well the effect of temperature on the glacial cap.

Happy New Year.

Winter by Magnus Thordarson

To take pictures of snow can be a challenge for the photographer.  Different weather situations, variable brightness and color flat subjects make snow sometimes difficult to capture in a photograph.  Yet, when skilled, lucky or both, the photographer may have an opportunity to make magic.  The Winter gallery holds pictures recounting winter in Iceland and various locations in the United States.  The oldest are from the 1970s, the most recent are from Iceland and Sierra Nevada, an environment always grand and impressive.

View from the John by Magnus Thordarson

I call the photographs in this gallery View from the John. I shot this series of photos over a period of two years from my bathroom window looking over the Oakland hills. They capture the seasons and various weather and light situations. I realized this vantage point and prime view one day sitting on the water closet - on the john. When nature called, it was time for a photograph.

Portraits I & II by Magnus Thordarson

Always a challenge, portraits have a special place in my photography files.  Catching the right moment with a photograph is a difficult task no one ever fully masters.  I continue to shoot portraits wherever I go, portraits of strangers, friends, and family.  Through the pictures in these two portrait galleries I try to tell stories as well as invite some intrigue.

Breiðfirskar Svipmyndir I & II by Magnus Thordarson

These two galleries display pictures I shot on the West Coast of Iceland, in the environs of Breiðafjörður Bay, where I lived and worked in the 70s and 80s before I moved to California.  I go back to the old hometown of Stykkishólmur on the Snæfellsnes peninsula each time I visit the country and spend as much time as I can on the stomping grounds there.  It's a lovely place, a haunting place for one who has moved away, a challenge to all photographers.  I shot the earliest photos in 1975, the galleries hence span over 40 years of taking pictures.

San Francisco Exhibition by Magnus Thordarson

This gallery went on exhibition to the public in San Francisco in June 2018 and is now online as well.  The project was driven by my family with the aid of a few friends.  I am grateful for their ideas and their help.

This exhibition displays photos - shown here again - from the Inaugural and Niger galleries.

Here are some photos from the show: